Jukani Wildlife Sanctuary

POSTED ON: September 8, 2009 IN Where to Play in Mossel Bay
by Mariska

Jukani Wildlife Sanctuary is home to the big cats such as lions, cheetahs, Bengal tigers, leopard (spotted and black), jaguar, pumas, caracal and serval cats and other wildlife species. Jukani Wildlife Sanctuary is the only facility of its kind on the Garden Route and guarantees an experience of a lifetime to our guest. We believe in a personal approach to guests and an informative tour of the facility is part of your entrance fee.

Jukani Wildlife Sanctuary is not a zoo but rather a wildlife park where our feline and after wildlife family live in large enclosures designed to give our animals the freedom to run, play and exercise. Each enclosure was designed for a specific species with regard to enrichment and husbandry. A tree trunk weighing more than 19 tons was transported from George to the facility specifically for our Leopard enclosure. The reasoning “The Leopards must have a big tree to play in.” Each enclosure was carefully designed to ensure the highest quality of life for our feline family. We have as a special and personal relationship with all our animals and visitors are given the opportunity to experience these magnificent animals up close and personal.

At Jukani Wildlife sanctuary we are very conscious of conservation and guests are treated to informative discussions on the various species and their ecological place in nature. We will share our knowledge with you on an informal basis and enjoy discussions on our favourite topic, Big Cats. We now boast a curio and kiosk for items unique to Jukani Wildlife Sanctuary and food for the hungry.

Situated along the N2 only 5km outside Mossel Bay on the route to Cape Town. Jukani Wildlife Sanctuary offers thrilling experiences, predator encounters, live snake shows and a farmyard playground.
