Supporting Local Golf Development

POSTED ON: October 2, 2015 IN Latest News
by Mariska

Supporting Local Golf Development:


SAGDB Cheque Hand Over


The team at Golf In the Garden Route and South Africa is very passionate about supporting charities, and in this case, the South African Golf Development Board. After the Annual Ultimate Garden Route Road Trip 2015, we were privileged to donate a total sum of R7000 toward local golf development. What a humble moment it was for us to meet with the young stars on the day of handing over the cheque along with Johan & Joseph from SAGDB. Through these experiences we learn that there is so much untapped talent out there and although we live our lives the way we do, there are people out there dreaming about the things we take for granted. Donating funds toward a good cause is not just about supporting charities / talent development, it’s a reminder to us to appreciate what we have and as our business grows, we are ever mindful of those that don’t have what we have – what better way to show it than being the blessing we want to see in this world!

It’s a privilege and an honor to be in a position to provide support to those that need it!

For more information on the charities we support, please visit the link below:

Article posted on the SAGDB website:
